๐Ÿ‘ฅEatnSmile DAO

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

At first glance, it might seem like the platform has no content supervision, but the EatnSmile community will actually be the major supervisor through a voting mechanism on EatnSmile DAO.

The community will decide everything by stacking $NARUTO token, then vote to approve, decline, or even remove ads banners, store appearance, review, comment, etc.

Every time users cast a vote, they will be rewarded with the governance token $NARUTO. This mechanism puts power to the hands of the community, allowing participants to decide everything on EatnSmile from top to bottom as below.

  • Vote to remove/hide scam sites, closed stores, incorrect locations, etc.;

  • Vote to approve or decline a banner on Hompage;

  • Vote to remove banners that violate community guidelines;

  • Vote to remove improper reviews/comments;

  • Vote for system updates, proposals;

  • And more.

Last updated